Writing, drawing and fawning over animals.
Behind the Scenes - BNHA x Actor AU - Artist
Phoenix Wings - Dabihawks Zine - Merch Artist
Phoenix Wings: Burn Out - Dabihawks NSFW Zine - Artist
Distortion - A Tomura Shigaraki Zine - WriterFINISHED ZINES
Sex on Fire - NSFW Dabi Zine - Artist
Dabi's Journey - Dabi Tarot Cards - Artist
Found Family for Human Disasters - League of Villains - Writer
Dry Heat - ShigaDabi - Writer
Blaze It - BNHA x Greenery - Artist

They are all on my AO3 account, but here are some sneak peeks:Lunatics Laugh Last
The League messes with the wrong people and Hawks is ordered to eliminate them once and for all... he just really... doesn't want to. The caged songbird finds himself unable to sever those bonds which were only ever forged for the purpose of betrayal.Nice to meet you, I guess
Dabi and Shigaraki got captured and are stuck in a psychiatric clinic with their suppressed and seemingly unrequited feelings for each other. When the Todoroki fam bribes the staff in order to pester Dabi some more, Shigaraki comes rushing to his side, traumatizing Dabi's family along the way.
Meeting your future family-in-law is rarely a pleasant thing.Why so serious?
„Madness is like gravity… all it takes is a little push.” Well, more like life overran Dabi with a bulldozer… But who could resent him for enjoying the social unrest he and his little reveal created? Endeavor’s utterly broken face was just too addictive to dwell on casualties.
Dabi had planned on treating himself to popcorn and watching Endeavor’s fall from afar, but when he gets news of daddy dearest celebrating with his hero buddies as if nothing happened, he spontaneously decides to drop in. After all, it was January 18 and Dabi would make sure to enjoy his birthday.Dear Little Falling Star
On the gravestone of his previous life, Dabi finds a letter from his newly released mother. He is unable to ignore the words of a broken woman, glued together with nothing but hope.
The consequence: Dabi's life and (even worse) unapproachable-villain-image are at risk.
Though the question remains: What would break his mother in more pieces? Losing hope of ever finding her long-lost son, or actually finding him and the truth of what he has become.Cupcake Case Closed
As a person who believes to have lost everything, Dabi has to deal with loss once more, though at least, he no longer has to deal with it alone.
He loses a cupcake... but it's as dramatic as the loss of a dessert can possibly be.